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Year Established:
Amsterdam, NT Amsterdam, NL
Company Type:
Small Business (1-10M TTM Revenue)

Cradle performs ML-guided lead optimization, helping R&D teams hit their protein engineering goals 1.5-12x faster. Our intuitive software platform enables scientists to easily work with state-of-the-art generative machine learning and offers different levels of control depending on the user’s ML expertise. Our models can optimize multiple properties across a range of modalities, and grow more powerful with every round of experimental data you upload. Models trained on your data are entirely private to you and you retain full IP over the sequences generated. Cradle only charges a flat annual subscription fee for access to its protein engineering platform. Cradle works on pipeline projects for companies like Novo Nordisk, Johnson & Johnson, Grifols and Twist Biosciences

Site Badges
Cradle Bio BV
Radarweg 60 Amsterdam, NT Amsterdam, 1043 Netherlands
Cradle Switzerland AG
72 Bleicherweg Zürich, Zürich, 8002 Switzerland

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