We develop analytical methods and diagnostic kit (CE-IVD) for the quantification of molecules in biological samples (responding to the current demand of monitoring of analytes of biological interest in patient) and in non biological samples.
We are expert in LC-MS and pharmacogenomics for therapy personalization (TDM and PG).
We carry out specific analytical test according to customer requirements.
We write, submit to the Ethics Committees and manage clinical trials for the validation of diagnostic kits (according to 13485: 2016) for CE-IVD marking.
CoQua Lab srl and his partner (Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacogenetics, University of Turin, UNI EN ISO 13485:2016 certified) are ready to help your company with the CLINICAL VALIDATION of your in-vitro diagnostic medical device (In Vitro Diagnostic Device Regulations (EU 2017/746)).
Direct access to biological samples of patients (blood, plasma, liquor, etc.) for IVD validation.
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CoQua Lab srl
Corso Svizzera 185 bis
Torino, TO, 10122
Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacogenetics
C.so Svizzera 164
Turin, Turin, 10149
Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacogenetics
C.so Svizzera 164
Turin, Turin, 10149