The Confocal and Specialized Microscopy Shared Resource (CSMSR) provides advanced microscope systems for multidimensional optical imaging of living and fixed cells and tissues. The CSMSR offers a wide range of state-of-the-art microscopy technologies, from super-resolution microscopy to laser capture and microirradiation.
Our full-time staff provide consultation, assistance, training, and technical support. Trained in cell biology, biophysics, microbiology and image analysis, with in-depth expertise in light microscopy, we can help with experimental design, image acquisition, and data interpretation.
Technologies Offered (Details)
Confocal microscopy (scanning and spinning-disk)
Two-photon microscopy
Wide-field fluorescence microscopy
Digital deconvolution
Transmitted-light imaging (phase, DIC, histology)
Super-resolution imaging (STORM and SIM)
Cell surface imaging with <100 nM z-resolution (TIRF)
Laser-capture microdissection
Microfluidic cell culture while imaging
Software for image analysis, processing, and presentation
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Columbia University Medical Center HICCC Confocal & Specialized Microscopy Core
1130 Saint Nicholas Avenue
New York, NY, 10032
United States