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Clemson University Genomic Institute

Company Type:
Academic Core Facility

The CUGI BAC/EST Resource Center produces high quality BAC libraries, cDNA libraries, and various types of shotgun libraries. The facility works with plant, animal and microbial genomes. At the present time, CUGI has one of the largest collections of BAC libraries in the world. CUGI also provides fee-based services for robotics (colony picking, re-arraying, colony filter arrays, library storage and clone distribution), sequencing (cDNA, shotgun, BAC-end), physical mapping (BAC fingerprinting, marker hybridization), proteomics and lipidomics (mass spectroscopy, modification, hydrophobicity and shotgun proteomics), and functional genomics (labeling and hybridization, chip reading and statistical analyses).

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Clemson University Genomic Institute
Clemson, SC, 29634 United States

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