We are equipped for proteomics research including Cell Fractionation on one floor and tabletopUltracentrifuges (Beckman Coulter) , Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography (FPLC), Two-Dimensional Protein Electrophoresis (Protean II, Biorad), and Gel Documentation Systems (one Bio-Rad and one Fuji Medical). Protein quantification can be done using UV-Vis spectrophotometry ( DU650, Beckman Coulter) or multimode Plate Spectrophotometers in both 96-well and 384-well micro well plate formats. Protein gels can also be visualized, digitized, and documented on Multi-Mode ImagerTyphoon 9410.
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Clark Atlanta University CCRTD Proteomics Core
223 James P Brawley Drive Southwest
Atlanta, GA, 30314
United States