CCRTD provides many crucial applications for in silico research. They include general bioinformatics programs intended for sequence analysis of nucleic acids and proteins (Vector NTI Advance) and more specialized programs including Gene Expression Analysis software (Gene spring and real-timePCR primer design program; Beacon Designer, by Premier Biosoft).
CCRTD staff provides consultations in bioinformatics and identifies further needs in this area. Additional multiple free bioinformatics program downloaded from Internet are also available along with access to all major bioinformatics Public Databases and data repositories. We are in the process of acquiring a High-End Computer Workstation intended exclusively for bioinformatics support.
We are also in the process of networking our data-generating equipment and CCRTD users’ workstations with the CCRTD data storage server to be supported by CAU Office of Information Technology. The server will be used for storage, backup, and retrieval of Affymetrix data files, real-time PCR data, image data from Typhoon and Bio-Rad Imagers, micro plate readers, etc. Furthermore, it will be used for data sharing and transfer both within CCRTD, external collaborators, and granting agencies housing an ftp site with supplementary experimental data generated within CCRTD and linked to the CCRTD website.
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Clark Atlanta University CCRTD Bioinformatics Core
223 James P Brawley Drive Southwest
Atlanta, GA, 30314
United States