The Pathology Core at City of Hope exists primarily to provide optimally preserved tumors and normal tissue samples to City of Hope researchers. Supported by the Cancer Center Support Grant with funding from the National Cancer Institute, the Pathology Core maintains a bank of several thousand diverse tumor samples. Samples of normal tissue are available as well. All samples are inventoried and tested periodically to ensure quality of morphologic preservation and DNA/RNA integrity. Data is stored and maintained electronically, so that, in most instances, complete follow-up information is available.
Through the Pathology Core, researchers have access to optimally fixed tumor samples, many of which are preserved in more than one type of fixative. Multitissue blocks, containing many types of tumor and normal tissue, are also available, to facilitate retrospective screenings of, for example, new antibodies in immunohistochemistry studies, and new molecular probes associated with in situ hybridization methods.
For a nominal fee researchers may obtain additional assistance and training in the use of these techniques. Consultations with a qualified pathologist and/or molecular biologist are required for users of the core facility.
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City of Hope Beckman Research Institute Pathology Core
1500 East Duarte Road
Duarte, CA, 91010
United States