City of Hope’s Analytical Cytometry Core (ACC) Facility provides researchers with high-quality flow cytometry instrumentation, as well as expertise in analyzing and/or sorting sample populations of interest via interpretation of their physical, fluorescent and/or light-scattering properties. The facilities and their services are available to both City of Hope and non-City of Hope researchers.
The Flow Cytometry Facility has two Cell sorters (Aria III and Aria SORP) and 5 analyzers (CyAn, Gallios, Fortessa, and 2-C6). All the analyzers are available for unassisted end user runs. As an added convenience, the ACC supports several off-line workstations in the core space where investigators can analyze their ACC-derived data. The software includes Flowjo, FCSexpress, Modfit, DiVa and Summit.
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City of Hope Analytical Cytometry Core
1500 East Duarte Road
Duarte, CA, 91010
United States