We aim to promote world-class biomedical research by ensuring availability of the highest quality biospecimens to meet researchers’ needs. We provide access to services for standardized and centralized acquisition, processing, storage and distribution of biospecimens for research. These services are available to researchers at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, surrounding academic centers and beyond. We are also home to the Better Outcomes for Children (BofC) biorepository. BofC is an institution-wide initiative to collect and store leftover clinical samples for research use.
The Cincinnati Biobank offers sample collection, processing, storage and distribution services for investigator developed sample collections. We perform specialized banking and processing, as well as bulk processing and storage. Cincinnati Biobank personnel have experience planning and executing sample collection protocols based on the latest biospecimen research and evidence-based methodology.
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Cincinnati Biobank Core Facility (Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center)
Cincinnati, OH,
United States