Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI) has an Agilent 6490 Triple Quadrupole (QqQ) mass spectrometer (MS) equipped with 1290 Infinity Quaternary liquid chromatography (LC) system from Agilent Technologies (Santa Rosa, CA). This instrument was purchased through funds from a National Institutes of Health Shared Equipment Grant. The 6490 QqQ is available to all CHORI investigators for projects that require MS detection for target molecule identity confirmation and quantification. The 6490 QqQ delivers zeptomole level sensitivity at conventional flow rates over a wide linear range of detection in a compact benchtop footprint. The sensitivity, linearity and reproducibility of this system for quantitative analysis of our target molecules are unparalleled in the industry. The system is suitable for a wide variety of applications and will meet the needs of the scientists at CHORI. The Agilent 6490 QqQ MS combined with the 1290 Infinity Quaternary LC is a versatile and sensitive system that can be utilized for the quantitation of sterols, sphingolipids, vitamins, metabolites and oxidized lipids, as well as confirmation and quantitation of proteolytic peptide fragments, reconstituted lipid rafts, drugs, biomarkers of disease/injury, and other bioactive compounds.
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Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute Mass Spectrometry Laboratory
5700 Martin Luther King Junior Way
Oakland, CA, 94609
United States