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Chiang Mai University

Chiang Mai, Muang District, TH
Company Type:
Academic Core Facility

Five-fold Mission addresses the challenges our nation faces amidst a globalizing world.

1. Provide higher education and high level professional education emphasizing academic excellence and quality of graduates with high moral and ethical standards under the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy.

2. Conduct research in various fields to support standards of teaching, learning and technology transfer for the social and economic development of the region and the country.

3. Provide academic services to the national community in line with the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, particularly for Northern Thailand.

4. Preserve and nurture our religious and cultural heritage, and develop the resources of the unique natural environment of Northern Thailand.

5. Develop the University’s administration systems and management under the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy while aiming at Sustainable Development.

Site Badges
Chiang Mai University
Huay Kaew Road , จ.เชียงใหม่, 50200 Thailand
Chiang Mai University
239, Huay Kaew Road Chiang Mai, Muang District, 50200 Thailand

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