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Year Established:
Skåne län, SE
Company Type:
New Startup (0-1M TTM Revenue)

Cellevat3dTM NanoMatriceTM is a nanofiber-based platform designed for in vitro testing that can be used as a powerful tool for studying cells in 3D applications due to its high resemblance to the extracellular matrix. Since Cellevate was founded in 2014 in Lund, Sweden, we have worked with our collaborators in most fields of life science research, primarily focusing on the areas of
neurology, oncology, immunology, and many others.

Cellevat3dTM NanoMatriceTM based products for Neuro applications have already been successfully used and generated results in cell culture applications. Cellevat3dTM NanoMatriceTM is specifically useful when working with iPSCs.

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Cellevate AB
1 Scheeletorget , Skåne län, 223 63 Sweden

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