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Brookhaven Science Associates LLC

Stony Brook, NY, US
Company Type:
Small Business (1-10M TTM Revenue)

The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) is a significant asset to our country, through its scientific leadership and its economic impact not only on Long Island, but throughout all of New York state and the Northeast.

img1 Brookhaven National Laboratory is managed on behalf of DOE by Brookhaven Science Associates (BSA), a partnership between Stony Brook University and Battelle. BSA also engages six of the world’s premier research universities (Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton and Yale) in the governance and oversight of the Laboratory. The combined strengths of these entities make significant contributions to BNL.
As a leading research university in close proximity to the BNL site, Stony Brook offers scientific collaborations, joint initiatives, and joint research appointments in BNL’s core research areas, and provides a variety of services to BNL staff. As the world’s largest nonprofit research organization and manager or co-manager of six DOE national laboratories, Battelle offers management systems and tools designed specifically for research. The affiliated research universities offer world-leading experts for scientific oversight as well as additional opportunities for research partnerships, joint appointments, and other forms of collaboration.
BSA is committed to the future of Brookhaven National Laboratory as both a world-leading scientific organization and as a source of technology innovation benefitting our region, our nation and our world.
Staying at the forefront of science and technology requires thoughtful planning and vigorous action. BSA is working with the scientific community and with DOE to identify the most important opportunities in BNL’s primary research areas, and to develop the capabilities necessary to exploit these opportunities. BSA also is engaging regional companies and other stakeholders, looking for ways to increase the economic and social benefits of new technologies arising from BNL research.

Site Badges
Brookhaven Science Associates LLC
Office of Brookhaven Affairs Stony Brook University Stony Brook, NY, 11794-1401 United States

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