WELCOME! The Bowling Green State University Center for Aquatic Ecology offers an online resource for the public as well as students.
Aquatic life identification resources with a focus on species found in Northwest Ohio can be found through this identification link. This page is the “Gateway” to a listing of over 185 species featuring digitized images, drawings and information on fish and other aquatic organisms. The information may be freely used for educational and noncommercial purposes, however, we reserve all commercial rights.
A number of undergraduate and graduate students pursue research through the Aquatic Ecology Lab under Dr. Jeff Miner’s oversight. The general focus of the Lab is the ecology of Lake Erie, but studies in other areas and disciplines are represented as well. Visit his web page for more information on the related research.
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Bowling Green State University Aquatic Ecology
North College Drive
Bowling Green, OH, 43403
United States