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Bloodworks Northwest Research Institute Flow Cytometry Lab

Seattle, WA, US
Company Type:
Small Business (1-10M TTM Revenue)

The Flow Cytometry Laboratory (Flow Lab) provides cell sorting and analysis services for in-house and external investigators. The Flow Lab staff operates the sorters and assists investigators using the analyzers. The staff also provides consultation regarding cytometry experimental design, sample preparation and data analysis. In addition, the staff welcomes the opportunity for external research project contracts.

The Flow Lab is equipped with FACSAria, FACSVantage SE, LSR II and FACSCalibur cytometers. It is directed by cell analysis specialist Dr. Xiaoping Wu. Prior to joining the Blood Center, Dr. Wu had postdoctoral training in Immunology at the Center for Immunology in the University California, Irvine.

The Flow Lab has been actively involved in ongoing and previous research projects at the Blood Center addressing blood thrombosis, transfusion complications, hematopoietic cell gene therapy, megakaryocytopoiesis, platelet generation, autoimmunity and therapeutic immune modulation for inhibitory antibodies against factor VIII.

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Bloodworks Northwest Research Institute Flow Cytometry Lab
1551 Eastlake Avenue East Seattle, WA, 98102 United States
Bloodworks Northwest Research Institute Flow Cytometry Lab
1551 Eastlake Avenue East Seattle, WA, 98102 United States

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