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Biofarm s.r.l

Ercolano, Campania, IT
Company Type:
Small Business (1-10M TTM Revenue)

Biofarm is a testing centre officially recognized by the Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies.
Biofarm carries out official field tests of registered and/or under registration plant protection products and it generates the data required for the approval process concerning the marketing and the use of plant protection products.
Tests are aimed at evaluating usefulness and biological efficacy of active substances. The testing centre assesses any development of resistance in the target pest and toxicity to other plants as well as to non-target arthropods, and it determines the presence of residues affecting human and animal health.
Biofarm is entitled to carry out field tests aimed at providing information concerning:

Plant protection products efficacy
Effects on yield and/or quality
Phytotoxicity to plants and target plant products
Determination and analysis of residues
Appearance or possible development of resistance
The Ministry accreditation concerns efficacy field tests and tests for the detection and determination of residues of plant protection products in the following activity sectors: Tree crops, Herbaceous Crops, Horticultural Crops, Weeding, Entomology, Nematology, Plant Pathology.
Biofarm is GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) and GEP (Good Experimental Practice) certified. Both these quality standards guarantee that the results generated in terms of biology (GEP) and residues (GLP) are accepted by the Member States of the European Union in the approval process of plant protection products.
We conduct outdoor (field) and indoor (green house) tests. Field tests are carrying out in our own farm which covers around one hectare of surface area. Biofarm also relies on the collaboration of many selected and qualified third-party companies. In this regard, it has signed an agreement with a trial laboratory for residues testing and chemical analysis.

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Biofarm s.r.l
Ercolano, Campania, Italy

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