The Histology/Imaging (H/I) Core provides comprehensive histology and imaging services to BRI investigators and their collaborators. The H/I Core is divided into two service elements: the Histology Core Laboratory (HCL) and the Imaging Core Laboratory (ICL).
The HCL utilizes high-throughput, automated equipment for tissue infiltration, paraffin or OCT embedment, sectioning (microtomy, cryotomy, and vibrotomy), mounting of sections on slides, staining with histological dyes or immunohistochemical agents and coverslipping. The HCL can also perform cytospins. HCL services are available to investigators at BRI and (for research purposes only), to VMMC personnel and to investigators from other institutions.
The ICL contains a selection of digital camera-equipped, wide-field light microscopes for viewing and recording images from microscope slides, cultured cells and whole-mounted specimens.
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Benaroya Research Institute Histology/Imaging Core
1201 9th Avenue
Seattle, WA, 98101
United States