The Genotyping Core provides on-site genotyping services. Fluorescently-labeled MGB Eclipse and Taqman MGB probes are used to genotype a core panel of SNP markers implicated in the development of various autoimmune diseases. This technology is available to genotype any SNP of interest on BRI repository DNA samples or investigator-provided samples.
Our HLA typing takes advantage of Taqman-based Q-PCR assays developed at BRI by Vivian Gersuk, PhD and Karen Cerosaletti, PhD. Current assays are based on HLA genotypes of interest to BRI investigators, including HLA-A2, -DR3, -DR1, -DR15, -DQ8, -DQ2, -DQ6 and high resolution typing for HLA-DR4. HLA typing can be performed on BRI repository samples or investigator-provided DNA samples.
Core resources include an ABI 7900 HT real-time PCR system, a BioRad tetrad PCR machine with 384 well plate units, and a Beckman Coulter Biomek FX robotic workstation.
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Benaroya Research Institute Genotyping Core Lab
1201 9th Avenue
Seattle, WA, 98101
United States