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Baystate Health Epidemiology and Biostatistics Core

The Epidemiology and Biostatistics Research Core (EBRC) supports Baystate faculty, fellows and residents in clinical research and research education.

The EBRC has a staff of five epidemiologists with Masters or PhD-level training who have broad expertise in research methods, data analysis, and scientific writing. They have a total of more than 70 years’ experience in clinical research, have published several hundred articles in major scientific journals, and handle more than 200 projects a year.


The EBRC collaborates with clinical investigators by:

Developing study designs and research protocols, including:
Randomization schemes
Power analysis and sample size computations
Relevant written sections of grants, manuscripts, and presentations
Assisting in developing survey instruments
Creating databases and data entry schemes in RedCap (Research Electronic Data Capture)
Conducting data analyses, including:
Linear regression and ANOVA
Logistic regression (unconditional, conditional, multinomial, and ordered)
Time-to-event analysis, hierarchical linear modeling, analysis of complex survey designs.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial analysis

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Baystate Health Epidemiology and Biostatistics Core
759 Chestnut Street Springfield, MA, 01199 United States

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