The Genome Discovery Unit (GDU) provides custom pipeline development and analysis of high-throughput DNA sequencing results.
Our bioinformaticians are available to advise on best practice for standard processing of sequencing data and are versed in a number of key technologies:
Processing data from the three major sequencing platforms (Roche 454, Illumina and SOLiD)
Sequence data pre-processing (adapter clipping, quality trimming)
Alignment to reference genomes
De novo assembly
Programming in a wide range of languages.
We offer limited entry workshops covering important aspects of bioinformatics and data handling:
Linux for biologists
Statistics for next-generation sequencing
Illumina data processing.
GDU staff members provide (below-cost) consultancy to ANU groups for bioinformatics projects, including (no-cost) assistance with writing the bioinformatics component of grant applications for work planned to be done through the GDU.
The GDU can develop custom pipelines, or provide services which piggy-back on existing pipelines. This service includes figures and visualisation tools for publications.
Examples of publications from pipelines developed include:
Murine SNP detection from exome capture (Yabas M., The CE. et al. Nature Immunology, 2011).
ChIP-seq (Soboleva T et al, A unique H2A histone variant occupies the transcriptional start site of active genes, Nature Structural Biology, 2011).
The staff of the GDU receive academic mentoring from two bioinformatic research groups at JCSMR.
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Australian National University CoMBE JCSMR Genome Discovery Unit
The John Curtin School of Medical Research Stores
Acton, , ACT 2601