Take advantage of our 10+ years of industrial and academic experience in surface and interface science
Whether you have adhesion or printing problems, pigment or pharmaceutical powder dispersability issues, want to improve your emulsifiers, need to know how much surfactant is optimal to prevent denaturing during protein processing, just want some accurate surface energy values for your surfaces, or have any other surface/interface related problems – GIVE US A CALL
We have the analytical tools and the expertise to study your problems, and find solutions. Most analytical work is complete in under two weeks – although long term contracts are also available for large projects.
Confidentiality is always maintained, and the costs are very reasonable (basic price lists are provided under “Contract Laboratory Services” above)
Surface chemistry seminars (at our site or yours) are also available, as are instrument training courses for many types of tensiometers and contact angle meters
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Augustine Scientific LLC
12300 Kinsman Road, Suite F2
Newbury, OH, 44065
United States