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Auburn University Auburn Plant Diagnostic Lab

Auburn, AL, US
Company Type:
Academic Core Facility

The Plant Diagnostic Lab provides three major services:

Plant samples are examined for disease, insect, nutrient, cultural, and herbicide problems.
Soil samples are analyzed for plant parasitic nematodes.
Insect samples are identified.
In addition to the above, plant and fungal identifications are also made. After samples are examined, tested, analyzed, and/or identified, Extension Specialists respond with the diagnosis or identification and control recommendation(s). Samples received at the Plant Diagnostic Lab may be examined by plant pathologists, nematologists, entomologists, agronomists, horticulturists, or weed scientists, depending upon the sample. Responses are sent by phone, e-mail, fax, or letter. Generally, our responses are made within one week from the time of sample receipt. Some tests and /analyses require more time. Before sending samples to the lab, consult our publications for more information on the lab and for directions on collecting, packaging and mailing plant, soil, and insect samples (ANR-0450 and ANR-0114) Also, examine and download our plant (ANR-0089), soil nematode (ANR-00F7), and/or insect forms as appropriate. Fill out the form for your sample with as much information as possible. When inadequate samples are sent with inadequate information, diagnoses and analyses and recommendations cannot be made.

Site Badges
Auburn University Auburn Plant Diagnostic Lab
961 South Donahue Drive Auburn, AL, 36849 United States
Auburn University Auburn Plant Diagnostic Lab
961 South Donahue Drive Auburn, AL, 36849 United States

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