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American Museum of Natural History Microscopy and Imaging Facility

New York, NY, US
Company Type:
Small Business (1-10M TTM Revenue)

The Microscopy and Imaging Facility (MIF) was established as an interdepartmental lab, with the purpose of aiding in the research of the Museum’s scientific community. The mission of the MIF is to provide an interdepartmental facility that contains state-of-the-art imaging instruments and image analysis software that would otherwise be too expensive for individual departments to purchase and maintain. The MIF staff is trained to provide expert assistance in the use of all the equipment found in the lab.

The MIF currently houses two scanning electron microscopes (SEM), each equipped with x-ray microanalysis detectors, as well as a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM), a transmission electron microscope (TEM), an x-ray computed tomography scanner (CT Scanner).

Site Badges
American Museum of Natural History Microscopy and Imaging Facility
Central Park West New York, NY, 10024 United States
American Museum of Natural History Microscopy and Imaging Facility
Central Park West New York, NY, 10024 United States

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