The FTIR Laboratory at AMNH is the focal point for vibrational spectroscopy studies of geologic materials in the New York metropolitan area. The centerpiece of the lab is a Nicolet Nexus 670 Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) spectrometry system with an attached IR Plan microscope (micro-FTIR system). Besides absorption and reflectance FTIR, the instrument is equipped with micro-Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) and micro-Grazing Angle FTIR attachments which allow measurements of sample surfaces down to a few mono-layers. The laboratory has also recently been used for polarization FTIR analysis; a powerful technique allowing for important insights into the structure of minerals.
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American Museum of Natural History Earth & Planetary Science FTIR Lab
Central Park West
New York, NY, 10024
United States
American Museum of Natural History Earth & Planetary Science FTIR Lab
Central Park West
New York, NY, 10024
United States