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Allen Institute

Seattle, WA, US
Company Type:
Small Business (1-10M TTM Revenue)

Our Story
With the recent advances in genomics, microscopy and computation, the time is now for the Allen Institute for Cell Science, propelling the field of cell science into a new era of discovery and understanding. We want to better explain and predict the behaviors of cells, whether healthy or diseased. Our first project will be to understand how the parts of the cells integrate to determine diverse cellular behaviors as revealed through a dynamic and animated virtual model of the cell.

Our Goal
Our ambition is to create new directions and opportunities in cell science through mission-oriented, large-scale, multi-disciplinary team science.

The mission of the Allen Institute for Cell Science is to create dynamic and multi-scale visual models of cell organization, dynamics and activities that capture experimental observation, theory and prediction to understand and predict cellular behavior in its normal, regenerative, and pathological contexts.

Site Badges
Allen Institute for Cell Science
Seattle, WA, United States

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