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Adroit DI

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Year Established:
Company Type:
Small Business (1-10M TTM Revenue)

Securely manage chemistry data sets. Empower your SDF (Structure Data File) data. Combine, edit and manage your data quickly and easily. Fully compliant with stereochemistry, providing user-friendly interfaces, rapid uploading, de-duplication, and powerful bulk editing tools.
- 100’s of millions of molecules
- DNA-encoded libraries
- Traditional small molecule libraries
No matter the size or complexity of your data, Adroit DI has the agility and scalability to organize it all in one place securely.

Features list:
- Import SDF, SMILES Can & Iso, SMARTS, Mol
- Export in SDF, CSV and Excel
- Combine disparate data all at once
- 10 million records managed
- Change attributes en-masse
- Accurate stereochemistry
- De-duplication & federation on structure
- Search/merge on structure
- ‘Excel-like’
- Total Security
- Export in CSV, Excel & SDF formats
- Cut and paste multiple cells
- Ready-to-use & cloud-based

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