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Academia Sinica Institute for Pant and Microbial Biology - DNA Microarray Core

Taipei City, TW
Company Type:
Academic Core Facility

The DNA microarray core laboratory ( in the Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, was established in 2001. A supervising committee is formed to define the user-structure and overall direction of this laboratory. An assistant research specialist will maintain the core equipments, give technical advices and provide user services. The core laboratory is dedicated to meeting the needs of genomics research conducted in IPMB by providing high-throughput, miniature technologies for plant and microbial functional genomics studies. We have established the SOPs for multiple microarray platforms, including Agilent, Roche/Nimblegen, Exiqon and Phalanx, for gene expression, ChIP-on-chip and miRNA expression assays. This core laboratory has also extended its services to the research community at large in Taiwan.

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Academia Sinica Institute for Pant and Microbial Biology - DNA Microarray Core
128 Section 2, Academia Road , Taipei City, 115 Taiwan

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