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2U/µl with 5X Reaction Buffer, 100U/Unit

Apex Bioresearch Products


Lipases and Phospholipases


  • Category: Lipases and Phospholipases
  • Paragraph 1: Apex High Fidelity DNA Polymerase exhibits both 5' to 3' DNA polymerase activity and 3' to 5' proofreading exonuclease activity allowing it to fix base pair mismatches. This polymerase's DNA binding domain ensures outstanding high fidelity, long range capacity, and quick amplification outcomes.. The Apex High Fidelity DNA Polymerase kit is supported with 5X Apex Buffer allowing robust amplification on DNA targets with low to high GC content and lenghty DNA targets. If PCR conditions need to be adjusted, the kit includes an extra tube of MgCl2 in a 25 mM concentration. The addition of 1 – 2 M Betaine Enhancer Solution to problematic amplicons, such as GC-rich DNA samples, those with complicated secondary structures, or longer amplicons, is recommended.
  • Manufacturer Sku: 42-500