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ABP1 Antibody (N-term) Blocking peptide



  • Format: Peptides are lyophilized in a solid powder format. Peptides can be reconstituted in solution using the appropriate buffer as needed.
  • Gene Id: 26
  • Category: Peptides; Blocking Peptides
  • Subtitle: Synthetic peptide
  • Gene Name: AOC1
  • Other Names: Amiloride-sensitive amine oxidase [copper-containing], DAO, Diamine oxidase, Amiloride-binding protein 1, Amine oxidase copper domain-containing protein 1, Histaminase, Kidney amine oxidase, KAO, AOC1, ABP1, DAO1
  • Availability: 2 weeks
  • Bio Background: This gene encodes a membrane glycoprotein that isexpressed in many epithelium-rich and/or hematopoietic tissues andoxidatively deaminates putrescine and histamine. The protein mayplay a role in controlling the level of histamine and/or putrescinein these tissues. It also binds to and is inhibited by amiloride, adiuretic that acts by closing epithelial sodium ion channels.
  • Bio References: Ruano, G., et al. Pharmacogenomics 11(7):959-971(2010)McGrath, A.P., et al. Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun. 66 (PT 2), 137-142 (2010) :Chambers, J.C., et al. Nat. Genet. 42(2):149-152(2010)McGrath, A.P., et al. Biochemistry 48(41):9810-9822(2009)Song, W.B., et al. World J. Gastroenterol. 15(31):3916-3919(2009)
  • Primary Accession: P19801
  • Targetspecificity: The synthetic peptide sequence used to generate the antibody AP13940a was selected from the N-term region of ABP1. A 10 to 100 fold molar excess to antibody is recommended. Precise conditions should be optimized for a particular assay.