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35 mm Glass bottom dish with 14 mm micro-well #1.5 gridded (interior) cover glass



35mm glass bottom dish, dish size 35mm, well size 14mm, #1.5 cover gridded glass(0.16mm-0.19mm). A 20x26 Grid is etched onto the interior of the cover glass. i.e, the grid and cultured cell are on the same focal plane. Designed for high resolution imaging such as confocal microscopy.


  • Material: Plastic & cover glass
  • Lead Time: 1 day
  • Sterility: Sterilized by gamma radiation
  • Spec Points: Coverslip: #1.5 cover glass (0.16 - 0.19 mm) with a 20x26 grid (0.6mm x 0.6mm each) located at the interior of the dish Temperature Range: -20°C to 50°C Grid layout: Lid diameter(outer): 40 mm