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Apricell® 3-in-1 Plate, 6-well Plate with 6 Hydrogel Inserts for Spheroid & Organoid Culture

Advanced BioMatrix


The Apricell 3-in-1 Plate is a hydrogel insert that fits within each well of a six-well plate. The insert combines spheroid/organoid formation, extracellular matrix integration and drug testing all in one platform. The hydrogel comes pre-inserted within each well of a standard six-well plate. Each insert contains 4 quadrants, allowing for the formation of 6 spheroids/organoids per quadrant. The six well plate can be used for 144 spheroids/organoids. Each quadrant is separated from one another, so researchers may run 4 different experimental conditions on one insert. The hydrogel is a non-cell-adhesive hydrogel. The plate provides the benefit of disturbance free media changes, eliminating the risk of aspirating or disrupting the spheroids while changing the media. Also, the plate enables in situ IHC analysis. Researchers can perform all steps of IHC analysis – from dehydration to wax embedding and slicing - without ever having to remove the spheroids from the platform.


  • Category: Reagents
  • Lead Time: 1-2 days
  • Subcategory: Assay Materials