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VILIP3 Antibody (N-term) Blocking Peptide



  • Format: Peptides are lyophilized in a solid powder format. Peptides can be reconstituted in solution using the appropriate buffer as needed.
  • Gene Id: 3241
  • Category: Peptides; Blocking Peptides
  • Subtitle: Synthetic peptide
  • Gene Name: HPCAL1
  • Other Names: Hippocalcin-like protein 1, Calcium-binding protein BDR-1, HLP2, Visinin-like protein 3, VILIP-3, HPCAL1, BDR1
  • Availability: 2 weeks
  • Bio Background: VILIP3 is a member of neuron-specific calcium-binding proteins family found in the retina and brain. It is highly similar to human hippocalcin protein and nearly identical to the rat and mouse hippocalcin like-1 proteins. It may be involved in the calcium-dependent regulation of rhodopsin phosphorylation and may be of relevance for neuronal signalling in the central nervous system. There are two alternatively spliced transcript variants of this gene, with multiple polyadenylation sites. Transcript varian 1 utilizes a different exon and also lacks one exon in the 5' UTR, as compared to variant 2; thus, the encoded protein is the same.
  • Bio References: Braunewell, K., et al., Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 12(2):110-116 (2001).Bernstein, H.G., et al., J Neurocytol 28(8):655-662 (1999).Kobayashi, M., et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1222(3):515-518 (1994).Hidaka, H., et al., Neurosci. Res. 16(2):73-77 (1993).Ivings, L., et al., Biochem. J. 363 (Pt 3), 599-608 (2002).
  • Primary Accession: P37235
  • Targetspecificity: The synthetic peptide sequence used to generate the antibody AP1563a was selected from the N-term region of human VILIP3 . A 10 to 100 fold molar excess to antibody is recommended. Precise conditions should be optimized for a particular assay.