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TERF1 Antibody (N-term) Blocking Peptide



  • Format: Peptides are lyophilized in a solid powder format. Peptides can be reconstituted in solution using the appropriate buffer as needed.
  • Gene Id: 7013
  • Category: Peptides; Blocking Peptides
  • Subtitle: Synthetic peptide
  • Gene Name: TERF1
  • Other Names: Telomeric repeat-binding factor 1, NIMA-interacting protein 2, TTAGGG repeat-binding factor 1, Telomeric protein Pin2/TRF1, TERF1, PIN2, TRBF1, TRF, TRF1
  • Availability: 2 weeks
  • Bio Background: TERF1 encodes a telomere specific protein which is a component of the telomere nucleoprotein complex. This protein is present at telomeres throughout the cell cycle and functions as an inhibitor of telomerase, acting in cis to limit the elongation of individual chromosome ends. The protein structure contains a C-terminal Myb motif, a dimerization domain near its N-terminus and an acidic N-terminus.
  • Bio References: Ohishi, T., et al. Cancer Res. 70(5):2041-2052(2010)Zeng, Z., et al. Dev. Cell 18(2):214-225(2010)Tahmaseb, K., et al. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 493(2):207-212(2010)
  • Primary Accession: P54274